Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brain Damage And Football

Over the past decade much more recently there has been a focus on head injuries in football players.  The studies show that concussions that players receive in football as well as the direct daily hits to the head decrease mental capacity.  Recently the NFL and NCAA have put in new rules to hopefully protect players from brain damage.  These rules demonstrate that the people in charge of football know that it is not good for them to play.  However they still allow for the players to decrease there mental capacity to make money.  Professional football players are compensated for there potential harm with big multi-million dollar contracts, however college players are not.  These players are putting just as much risk on their bodies, brains and mental health and a professional athlete but are not compensated for their sacrifice.  With this sacrifice schools make millions of dollars from the players.  But with the rules in place by the NCAA many of  these athletes cannot even receive money for tuition let alone rent and food.  These athletes should be compensated for the risk that they put on their brains.  considering the many of them will be impaired for the sacrifices that allowed their schools to get rich, providing tuition and basic essentials should not be a problem.  This travesty that we can enjoy watching players play and enjoy reaping the benefits of their labor but we cannot allow for them to be compensated for it. This is something i hope will change in the future.

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